Not again…

I had planned for today to be a good lower body lifting day. It didn’t exactly go as planned.

I started off with squats, which actually did go pretty well. My tired lower back was much less tired, and I made my way through 5 sets without much trouble.

Then I loaded up the bar for deadlifts, starting with 205lb because why not, I was lifting 245lb last week. It went up easy enough, then when I set rep 2 down I felt a twinge in my QL, and when I lifted rep 3 up, another… There were no more reps after that. This time I asked a guy in the weight room to unload and put away the bar for me, rather than strugglebugging it myself.

And that was the end of the workout. And the end of deadlifts for a few weeks. Damn it. I hope at least I didn’t pull it as badly as last time; at least I didn’t unload by myself.

I’ve always stacked squats and deadlifts on the same day, but maybe it would be better if I separated them. Along with fixing whatever’s causing my back to freak out on me periodically. The interwebs have a lot of information on hip alignment problems… I wonder if I can get a gym staff to do an alignment test on me and see what the deal is.

Squat – 5x135lb, 2x5x155lb, 2x5x165lb
DL – 2x205lb

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